Llamas, Alpacas and Cuy Oh My!


I suppose it’s cliche to say my art is inspired by my travels, but it’s really true. On a family trip to Peru, I was enamored of all the Llamas, Alpacas, colors and flavors we encountered.

From the vibrant colors of the street markets, to the friendly people, Peru was a delight.

Pisac market was a maze of cobbled streets jam packed with vendors selling everything imaginable in their stalls. At one table, I purchased a small set of hand ground watercolor powders.


The containers filled with powder were so appealing. The woman selling the watercolors created a swatch sheet for her customers, so they knew exactly what color would come out of each bottle. It was a beautiful, sunny day, with clear blue skies and a chill in the air. All the colors reminded me of the Indian holiday Holi, where brightly colored powders are thrown in celebration.


Everything I saw that day inspired the Llama artwork used in the Birthday Parties section of my Printables Shop. The influence Peru had on these Printables is evident from these photos.

I invite you to come view my work at ARTBYJENN.COM and find a Printable that speaks to the traveler in you!


Be Well!