HAPPY HALLOWEEN from Link & a DeLorean!


If you have children, chances are you’ve watched them walk in their school’s Halloween Parade. That is certainly the case here. Every year, no matter how early we plan, it is always down to the wire to finish our costumes on time. But it’s a fun time, and making costumes at home is a great family project.

With a little creativity and visits to local recycle and scrap shops, we had a lot of fun making our costumes this year.

I am always up late the night before Halloween feverishly trying to finish costumes. Last minute details, forgotten accessories, accidentally squashed parts needing to be redone. It’s all part of the Halloween fun.

Our son wanted to be a DeLorean car from the movie Back to the Future, with lights, and the door that opens up top.

Our daughter wanted to be Link from the video game The Legend of Zelda. But not just any Link. Breath of the Wild Link. With special shield and sword. She actually made those herself. The artistic gene has definitely been passed down.

The costume choices were a little daunting, but challenge accepted!

After a few days of hunting for the perfect supplies, I spent the next few weeks sewing, painting, glueing and taping. Below are the results. They may not be perfect, but the kids are thrilled.

Now let’s go get some candy! We’ve earned it!
