My very first student podcast interview!

I had a great time being interviewed by a 5th grader for The Eagle’s View, the Emerson School student podcast. It was my very first podcast interview, and my interviewer did a great job!

I’m at the very end of the podcast, check it out!

Be Well,


The Eagles View Emerson School Student Podcast

Bear River Writers Conference on the shores of Walloon Lake

I was thrilled to be a part of the Bear River Writers Conference over Labor Day weekend in northern Michigan on the shores of Walloon Lake, with workshops led by UMICH LSA faculty. As aYA thriller and suspense fiction writer, the walk back to my cabin in the dark quickly put me in the shoes of one of my characters.

A big shout out to Cody Walker, Polly Rosenwaike and Julie Buntin for their words of encouragement.

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